all postcodes in SE12 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SE12 postcode district

Postcode Area

SE / South East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SE12 9LQ 4 0 51.446464 0.016485
SE12 9LS 26 0 51.444138 0.01893
SE12 9LT 30 0 51.443501 0.019391
SE12 9LU 8 0 51.444273 0.019943
SE12 9LX 26 0 51.443543 0.020588
SE12 9LY 12 0 51.443566 0.021308
SE12 9LZ 21 0 51.441138 0.021834
SE12 9NA 21 0 51.439718 0.022865
SE12 9NB 23 0 51.439868 0.025102
SE12 9ND 30 0 51.440641 0.026143
SE12 9NE 29 0 51.440472 0.027085
SE12 9NF 18 0 51.44083 0.028252
SE12 9NG 33 2 51.439567 0.026916
SE12 9NH 26 0 51.439695 0.028332
SE12 9NJ 28 0 51.438806 0.027228
SE12 9NL 24 0 51.439177 0.027604
SE12 9NN 27 0 51.443219 0.018501
SE12 9NQ 36 0 51.439063 0.025383
SE12 9PA 14 0 51.435414 0.024747
SE12 9PB 12 0 51.434656 0.024857