all postcodes in SE12 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

SE / South East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SE12 9PE 10 0 51.434713 0.025737
SE12 9PF 35 1 51.434274 0.025128
SE12 9PG 42 3 51.433992 0.026885
SE12 9PH 24 1 51.433613 0.028523
SE12 9PJ 19 0 51.433138 0.02843
SE12 9PL 21 0 51.432381 0.030051
SE12 9PN 5 4 51.436046 0.025609
SE12 9PP 18 2 51.432726 0.030394
SE12 9PQ 6 0 51.434325 0.027389
SE12 9PR 1 1 51.431278 0.031973
SE12 9PS 18 0 51.430374 0.03222
SE12 9PT 29 0 51.42898 0.033813
SE12 9PU 23 1 51.426909 0.03444
SE12 9PW 23 0 51.434849 0.027757
SE12 9PX 6 0 51.433981 0.024395
SE12 9PY 20 0 51.435294 0.026439
SE12 9PZ 5 0 51.434987 0.026023
SE12 9QA 44 0 51.436156 0.027038
SE12 9QB 21 0 51.435783 0.026763
SE12 9QD 6 0 51.435422 0.026833