all postcodes in SE12 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

SE / South East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SE12 0BH 16 1 51.433833 0.021483
SE12 0BJ 32 0 51.432233 0.021959
SE12 0BL 19 0 51.433184 0.022101
SE12 0BP 30 0 51.432516 0.022259
SE12 0BQ 4 0 51.43446 0.021136
SE12 0BS 4 0 51.433526 0.024145
SE12 0BT 13 0 51.433824 0.024115
SE12 0BU 8 0 51.435451 0.02364
SE12 0BW 40 0 51.431771 0.022715
SE12 0BX 12 2 51.435782 0.022662
SE12 0BY 34 0 51.434681 0.022887
SE12 0BZ 30 0 51.433666 0.022842
SE12 0DA 22 0 51.433436 0.021566
SE12 0DB 6 0 51.433413 0.023406
SE12 0DR 24 0 51.429522 0.022213
SE12 0DS 24 3 51.435023 0.019737
SE12 0DU 37 11 51.432816 0.021021
SE12 0DW 6 0 51.429821 0.022097
SE12 0DX 1 1 51.433081 0.020788
SE12 0DZ 45 16 51.430136 0.021547