all postcodes in SE12 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

SE / South East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SE12 0TA 18 0 51.446455 0.008656
SE12 0TB 27 0 51.447416 0.007677
SE12 0TD 1 1 51.449421 0.006642
SE12 0TE 10 0 51.446403 0.007459
SE12 0TF 20 0 51.44655 0.006789
SE12 0TG 17 0 51.447555 0.006359
SE12 0TH 24 1 51.448368 0.007761
SE12 0TJ 28 0 51.448462 0.010658
SE12 0TL 22 0 51.448694 0.010222
SE12 0TQ 24 0 51.448087 0.007879
SE12 0TX 13 10 51.449421 0.006668
SE12 0TZ 12 0 51.448814 0.006399
SE12 0UA 29 2 51.448941 0.005841
SE12 0UB 24 0 51.438644 0.013134
SE12 0UD 46 0 51.438821 0.01435
SE12 0UE 40 1 51.43891 0.013376
SE12 0UF 4 0 51.448535 0.005895
SE12 0UG 30 0 51.438804 0.019501
SE12 0UH 48 0 51.438676 0.015495
SE12 0UJ 39 0 51.439188 0.015503