all postcodes in SE13 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SE13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SE / South East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SE13 5AA 42 0 51.4596 -0.005968
SE13 5AB 48 0 51.45949 -0.004807
SE13 5AD 61 0 51.46076 -0.007015
SE13 5AE 37 0 51.458742 -0.0052
SE13 5AF 11 3 51.464418 -0.01061
SE13 5AG 58 0 51.464478 -0.008333
SE13 5AH 8 0 51.464261 -0.008745
SE13 5AJ 45 0 51.464236 -0.009423
SE13 5AL 39 0 51.464288 -0.007707
SE13 5AN 33 0 51.464195 -0.005394
SE13 5AP 27 0 51.463793 -0.007153
SE13 5AQ 48 0 51.464726 -0.009171
SE13 5AR 31 0 51.463554 -0.006835
SE13 5AS 13 0 51.463763 -0.009112
SE13 5AU 10 5 51.462613 -0.009148
SE13 5AW 49 1 51.464132 -0.007009
SE13 5AX 61 1 51.463326 -0.006123
SE13 5AY 2 1 51.462605 -0.004415
SE13 5AZ 34 0 51.462386 -0.005329
SE13 5BA 15 0 51.462887 -0.005681