all postcodes in SE13 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SE13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SE / South East London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SE13 5RN 0 51.457081 -0.002206
SE13 5RP 0 51.45976 -0.001096
SE13 5RQ 0 51.453532 0.003397
SE13 5RR 0 51.459227 0.000637
SE13 5RS 0 51.459533 0.000593
SE13 5RT 3 51.45935 0.001334
SE13 5RU 0 51.459186 -0.000674
SE13 5RX 0 51.459679 0.002053
SE13 5RY 0 51.460291 0.002008
SE13 5RZ 0 51.459928 0.002251
SE13 5SA 0 51.45988 0.002926
SE13 5SB 0 51.460555 0.003431
SE13 5SD 0 51.460191 0.003685
SE13 5SE 1 51.459438 0.003526
SE13 5SF 0 51.459519 0.004047
SE13 5SG 2 51.459601 0.005073
SE13 5SH 0 51.461019 0.004675
SE13 5SJ 0 51.460699 0.005553
SE13 5SL 0 51.460042 0.005582
SE13 5SN 0 51.459115 0.005599