all postcodes in SE16 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

SE / South East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SE16 2RW 0 51.488466 -0.048153
SE16 2SB 2 51.490437 -0.049771
SE16 2SD 0 51.490698 -0.049311
SE16 2SE 0 51.490698 -0.049311
SE16 2SH 0 51.490302 -0.052471
SE16 2ST 1 51.487822 -0.050528
SE16 2SU 0 51.487119 -0.047692
SE16 2SW 0 51.488484 -0.050791
SE16 2TA 0 51.487896 -0.047961
SE16 2TB 0 51.489103 -0.05079
SE16 2TD 0 51.489677 -0.053402
SE16 2TH 0 51.49726 -0.055055
SE16 2TJ 0 51.496152 -0.053919
SE16 2TL 0 51.496557 -0.055039
SE16 2TN 2 51.497523 -0.055188
SE16 2TP 0 51.49725 -0.054016
SE16 2TQ 0 51.497125 -0.05405
SE16 2TT 0 51.496893 -0.053599
SE16 2TU 1 51.496587 -0.05305
SE16 2TX 3 51.495363 -0.053451