all postcodes in SE16 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

SE / South East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SE16 2XQ 1 51.496096 -0.051645
SE16 2XU 16 51.49677 -0.051054
SE16 2YA 1 51.494315 -0.059212
SE16 2XS 0 51.494848 -0.050171
SE16 2DQ 0 51.494415 -0.058747
SE16 2PF 1 1 51.49233 -0.051215
SE16 2ND 0 51.488963 -0.047238
SE16 2NX 0 51.489145 -0.047879
SE16 2NY 0 51.489245 -0.047385
SE16 2NZ 0 51.489072 -0.046744
SE16 2PG 0 51.489569 -0.0474
SE16 2PH 0 51.489536 -0.047589
SE16 2PJ 0 51.490026 -0.046804
SE16 2PQ 0 51.489621 -0.048406
SE16 2PR 0 51.489816 -0.047663
SE16 2PX 0 51.489753 -0.048227
SE16 2PY 0 51.49029 -0.046966
SE16 2PZ 0 51.490008 -0.048404
SE16 2QB 0 51.489981 -0.047858
SE16 2QG 0 51.489871 -0.048294