all postcodes in SE9 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

SE / South East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SE9 1BT 34 14 51.450885 0.050933
SE9 1BW 18 12 51.450512 0.053235
SE9 1BX 1 1 51.450599 0.051843
SE9 1BY 1 1 51.450654 0.051774
SE9 1BZ 1 1 51.450696 0.051445
SE9 1DA 9 6 51.451126 0.049463
SE9 1DD 5 5 51.450178 0.053307
SE9 1DH 2 2 51.451393 0.050725
SE9 1DN 31 0 51.453158 0.053109
SE9 1DP 36 0 51.453701 0.053378
SE9 1DR 36 0 51.454498 0.053098
SE9 1DS 28 0 51.453184 0.054161
SE9 1DT 26 0 51.453775 0.054303
SE9 1DU 4 0 51.454777 0.053585
SE9 1DW 29 0 51.454446 0.052433
SE9 1DZ 30 0 51.456108 0.062267
SE9 1EH 59 0 51.465074 0.054594
SE9 1EJ 40 0 51.462353 0.055408
SE9 1EL 30 0 51.462496 0.054954
SE9 1EN 31 0 51.464281 0.054688