all postcodes in SE9 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

SE / South East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SE9 1TJ 1 1 51.450922 0.055499
SE9 1TQ 8 6 51.451076 0.055405
SE9 1TR 23 1 51.451311 0.056898
SE9 1TS 19 8 51.450965 0.058653
SE9 1TT 1 1 51.450885 0.057066
SE9 1TW 7 6 51.45117 0.056201
SE9 1TX 29 6 51.450936 0.061818
SE9 1TY 33 10 51.450937 0.063329
SE9 1UB 38 0 51.454246 0.064385
SE9 1UD 26 0 51.452323 0.063262
SE9 1UE 35 0 51.452313 0.063823
SE9 1UF 18 2 51.453496 0.064035
SE9 1UH 21 0 51.452613 0.065147
SE9 1UJ 12 0 51.451979 0.063376
SE9 1UQ 21 0 51.452479 0.064622
SE9 1UT 43 11 51.45729 0.059526
SE9 1UW 1 1 51.450982 0.053084
SE9 1WL 1 1 51.449793 0.052685
SE9 1WT 1 1 51.449793 0.052685
SE9 1XA 46 4 51.458965 0.058883