all postcodes in SE / South East London

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Postcode Area

SE / South East London

Postcode District

SE / South East London

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SE1 1RQ 14 51.504557 -0.091417
SE1 1RU 6 51.504661 -0.094468
SE1 1SD 7 51.50351 -0.093504
SE1 1SG 12 51.503841 -0.095032
SE1 1SZ 3 51.503517 -0.092236
SE1 1TA 4 51.504052 -0.093625
SE1 1TD 4 51.504046 -0.09436
SE1 1TE 2 51.504515 -0.094358
SE1 1TJ 2 51.50505 -0.0902
SE1 1TL 1 51.50548 -0.090756
SE1 1TQ 3 51.505145 -0.089951
SE1 1TS 1 51.505053 -0.090514
SE1 1TU 4 51.504829 -0.091662
SE1 1TY 23 51.504891 -0.09104
SE1 1UL 1 51.50272 -0.089704
SE1 1UN 39 51.504989 -0.093604
SE1 1UR 1 51.505044 -0.094924
SE1 1WE 1 51.492762 -0.080152
SE1 1WR 1 51.492762 -0.080152
SE1 1XF 15 51.503989 -0.091409