all postcodes in SG1 / STEVENAGE

find any address or company within the SG1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG1 2BW 12 10 51.892114 -0.203305
SG1 2DA 1 1 51.895445 -0.209436
SG1 2DF 5 5 51.897521 -0.21481
SG1 2DG 1 1 51.899443 -0.213929
SG1 2DH 1 1 51.891441 -0.208069
SG1 2DL 22 18 51.90109 -0.217707
SG1 2DX 43 42 51.901842 -0.216203
SG1 2DP 15 0 51.89439 -0.215146
SG1 2DS 1 0 51.895617 -0.214865
SG1 2DW 1 1 51.904163 -0.214497
SG1 2DY 1 1 51.903641 -0.217411
SG1 2EE 11 11 51.905714 -0.220745
SG1 2EF 37 32 51.908463 -0.218746
SG1 2EH 1 1 51.904715 -0.217659
SG1 2EP 4 2 51.903954 -0.213779
SG1 2EQ 25 18 51.903528 -0.222416
SG1 2ET 5 5 51.904624 -0.223105
SG1 2EU 2 2 51.905148 -0.2215
SG1 2EW 1 1 51.903788 -0.215239
SG1 2EX 43 0 51.909687 -0.224179