all postcodes in SG1 / STEVENAGE

find any address or company within the SG1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG1 2EY 15 0 51.908918 -0.223279
SG1 2EZ 14 0 51.908753 -0.224303
SG1 2GA 1 1 51.897001 -0.203575
SG1 2GE 14 0 51.913818 -0.214347
SG1 2GH 1 1 51.896091 -0.202978
SG1 2GP 1 1 51.896084 -0.203001
SG1 2HA 35 0 51.917222 -0.220014
SG1 2HB 4 0 51.916388 -0.220163
SG1 2HD 4 0 51.915953 -0.220515
SG1 2HE 16 0 51.915268 -0.221051
SG1 2HF 16 0 51.915149 -0.220436
SG1 2HG 26 0 51.914929 -0.220111
SG1 2HH 10 0 51.915722 -0.218372
SG1 2HJ 32 0 51.91579 -0.219285
SG1 2HL 22 0 51.914293 -0.221336
SG1 2HN 5 0 51.91428 -0.220494
SG1 2HP 16 1 51.909144 -0.22473
SG1 2HQ 26 0 51.91492 -0.218962
SG1 2HR 40 0 51.917331 -0.222467
SG1 2HS 20 0 51.917423 -0.221416