all postcodes in SG1 / STEVENAGE

find any address or company within the SG1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG1 3EQ 0 51.913513 -0.210244
SG1 3AF 28 0 51.90954 -0.210373
SG1 3AG 3 3 51.910791 -0.207488
SG1 3AH 9 6 51.911448 -0.208073
SG1 3AL 4 3 51.911359 -0.207553
SG1 3AN 12 9 51.911541 -0.207799
SG1 3AQ 10 6 51.911067 -0.20787
SG1 3AS 1 1 51.910456 -0.207909
SG1 3AU 10 8 51.912128 -0.2079
SG1 3AW 11 9 51.911127 -0.207649
SG1 3AZ 1 1 51.912767 -0.207889
SG1 3BE 1 1 51.91574 -0.206491
SG1 3UN 14 12 51.913488 -0.208114
SG1 3BG 20 9 51.913793 -0.208576
SG1 3BH 8 0 51.914887 -0.209564
SG1 3BJ 9 1 51.916183 -0.211389
SG1 3BL 16 0 51.915798 -0.209732
SG1 3BN 9 0 51.917099 -0.208982
SG1 3BP 10 0 51.916486 -0.210606
SG1 3BS 11 0 51.91542 -0.210866