all postcodes in SG10 / MUCH HADHAM

find any address or company within the SG10 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG10 6EJ 1 0 51.847907 0.076978
SG10 6EL 2 0 51.832591 0.089217
SG10 6EN 7 0 51.832073 0.087585
SG10 6EP 12 1 51.826986 0.083359
SG10 6EQ 2 0 51.831 0.092728
SG10 6ER 2 0 51.83156 0.071724
SG10 6ES 1 0 51.829735 0.071803
SG10 6ET 2 0 51.832649 0.067608
SG10 6EU 1 0 51.831086 0.068135
SG10 6EW 1 1 51.830298 0.089303
SG10 6EY 4 1 51.833535 0.066926
SG10 6EZ 15 0 51.83739 0.067074
SG10 6HA 1 1 51.805799 -0.022812
SG10 6HD 2 2 51.867431 0.071792
SG10 6HG 6 0 51.860748 0.072385
SG10 6HH 5 0 51.858826 0.065047
SG10 6HJ 4 0 51.863858 0.072978
SG10 6HL 4 0 51.865934 0.073088
SG10 6HN 4 0 51.859361 0.073033
SG10 6HP 3 0 51.856248 0.081313