all postcodes in SG10 / MUCH HADHAM

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Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG10 6HQ 2 0 51.861225 0.072332
SG10 6HR 4 0 51.853773 0.076319
SG10 6HS 1 0 51.849942 0.074807
SG10 6HT 5 0 51.862842 0.06994
SG10 6HU 13 2 51.866209 0.06151
SG10 6HW 6 0 51.85775 0.076122
SG10 6HX 9 0 51.850126 0.087259
SG10 6HY 2 0 51.851005 0.086324
SG10 6HZ 2 0 51.849703 0.078103
SG10 6JA 2 0 51.853552 0.088228
SG10 6JB 1 0 51.85402 0.0903
SG10 6JD 10 2 51.851226 0.108245
SG10 6JE 3 1 51.856243 0.105317
SG10 6JF 2 0 51.853794 0.106927
SG10 6JG 3 0 51.850995 0.094545
SG10 6JH 5 0 51.846871 0.098912
SG10 6JJ 14 0 51.845855 0.091838
SG10 6JL 3 0 51.846318 0.098132
SG10 6JN 6 0 51.844603 0.098516
SG10 6JP 20 2 51.845597 0.094178