all postcodes in SG12 / BUNTINGFORD

find any address or company within the SG12 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG12 9TL 0 51.797949 -0.013192
SG12 9TN 0 51.798776 -0.014244
SG12 9UT 3 51.808322 -0.029144
SG12 9UW 1 51.805799 -0.022812
SG12 9WA 1 51.805799 -0.022812
SG12 9WD 1 51.805799 -0.022812
SG12 9WR 1 51.805799 -0.022812
SG12 9XA 0 51.811123 -0.030848
SG12 9XB 0 51.810438 -0.032909
SG12 9XD 0 51.810607 -0.033352
SG12 9XE 0 51.812134 -0.032182
SG12 9XF 3 51.811748 -0.032214
SG12 9XL 0 51.81105 -0.032521
SG12 9XP 0 51.800611 -0.015352
SG12 9XR 0 51.800201 -0.015544
SG12 9WZ 1 0 51.805799 -0.022812
SG12 9UN 0 51.808491 -0.027425
SG12 9WT 1 1 51.805799 -0.022812
SG12 9PL 25 0 51.807906 -0.027768
SG12 9QS 1 51.803006 -0.020846