all postcodes in SG12 / BUNTINGFORD

find any address or company within the SG12 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG12 9PH 0 51.806204 -0.031919
SG12 9PJ 0 51.807039 -0.029677
SG12 9PQ 0 51.806487 -0.030557
SG12 9PT 0 51.808988 -0.026894
SG12 9PU 0 51.808925 -0.028464
SG12 9PW 1 51.807208 -0.023723
SG12 9PY 40 51.80833 -0.025168
SG12 9PZ 15 51.806999 -0.02408
SG12 9QB 7 51.806016 -0.025125
SG12 9QF 1 51.804221 -0.020387
SG12 9QH 1 51.804289 -0.022313
SG12 9QL 11 51.805642 -0.024286
SG12 9QN 6 51.805001 -0.021442
SG12 9QP 1 51.804369 -0.021685
SG12 9QQ 9 51.804993 -0.021412
SG12 9QT 0 51.802234 -0.021474
SG12 9QU 0 51.80265 -0.020542
SG12 9QX 0 51.798066 -0.019583
SG12 9QY 0 51.797682 -0.019266
SG12 9QZ 0 51.796696 -0.018513