all postcodes in SG15 / ARLESEY

find any address or company within the SG15 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG15 6FB 8 0 52.017037 -0.262616
SG15 6GB 1 1 51.981444 -0.209504
SG15 6GH 18 0 52.025569 -0.262504
SG15 6PB 18 0 52.00754 -0.2631
SG15 6PD 45 0 52.006365 -0.263889
SG15 6RA 53 6 52.006387 -0.265348
SG15 6RB 17 0 52.007117 -0.264256
SG15 6RD 25 0 52.007708 -0.267174
SG15 6RE 10 0 52.007081 -0.267912
SG15 6RF 13 8 52.004955 -0.271345
SG15 6RG 31 0 52.006303 -0.266427
SG15 6RH 20 1 52.005635 -0.26804
SG15 6RJ 17 0 52.005186 -0.266892
SG15 6RL 38 1 52.005569 -0.266644
SG15 6RN 8 0 52.004255 -0.265938
SG15 6RP 26 0 52.004919 -0.265798
SG15 6SE 7 0 51.992398 -0.266718
SG15 6RQ 10 0 52.006342 -0.267241
SG15 6RR 39 2 52.003595 -0.265657
SG15 6RS 9 3 52.002296 -0.265984