all postcodes in SG15 / ARLESEY

find any address or company within the SG15 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG15 6RU 6 0 52.003851 -0.264758
SG15 6RW 8 0 52.005111 -0.264826
SG15 6RX 46 0 52.002827 -0.26423
SG15 6RY 53 0 52.004689 -0.267305
SG15 6SA 41 0 51.999667 -0.267018
SG15 6SB 28 0 51.998548 -0.267964
SG15 6SD 17 0 51.99713 -0.266897
SG15 6SF 2 0 51.984833 -0.266515
SG15 6SG 7 5 51.999632 -0.268301
SG15 6SH 11 0 52.009991 -0.264084
SG15 6SJ 22 0 52.006052 -0.267675
SG15 6SL 29 2 52.008398 -0.263956
SG15 6SN 31 5 52.010569 -0.2624
SG15 6SP 32 0 52.009707 -0.264896
SG15 6SQ 10 0 52.008061 -0.263678
SG15 6ST 72 0 52.008845 -0.266212
SG15 6SW 30 6 52.008132 -0.264841
SG15 6SX 30 0 52.010685 -0.262935
SG15 6SZ 51 0 52.013923 -0.263556
SG15 6TA 7 1 52.017265 -0.263951