all postcodes in SG7 / BALDOCK

find any address or company within the SG7 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG7 6BN 1 1 51.985081 -0.186305
SG7 6BP 25 3 51.985282 -0.183588
SG7 6BQ 5 0 51.986163 -0.184706
SG7 6BU 48 0 51.984693 -0.179785
SG7 6BY 21 0 51.985036 -0.181635
SG7 6BZ 35 3 51.985887 -0.180217
SG7 6DA 40 0 51.985452 -0.17831
SG7 6DB 42 0 51.986085 -0.181971
SG7 6DD 35 0 51.987292 -0.182723
SG7 6DE 5 0 51.987024 -0.184013
SG7 6DF 9 1 51.98632 -0.183258
SG7 6DG 43 0 51.987456 -0.184624
SG7 6DH 32 2 51.988599 -0.186442
SG7 6DJ 11 0 51.985803 -0.183538
SG7 6DL 8 0 51.985902 -0.184131
SG7 6DN 7 0 51.989955 -0.1863
SG7 6DP 21 0 51.989635 -0.185978
SG7 6DQ 14 0 51.987346 -0.183318
SG7 6DR 10 0 51.989147 -0.185253
SG7 6DS 17 0 51.985126 -0.182782