all postcodes in SG7 / BALDOCK

find any address or company within the SG7 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG7 6PE 18 0 51.988304 -0.183015
SG7 6PF 46 0 51.991436 -0.185568
SG7 6PG 17 0 51.984444 -0.181686
SG7 6PH 43 0 51.982733 -0.177503
SG7 6PJ 5 0 51.984198 -0.179761
SG7 6PL 6 0 51.991452 -0.186587
SG7 6PN 27 0 51.98673 -0.181273
SG7 6PQ 44 0 51.983398 -0.179179
SG7 6PR 6 0 51.984221 -0.180107
SG7 6PS 4 0 51.99076 -0.185991
SG7 6PT 40 0 51.981005 -0.183735
SG7 6PU 44 0 51.980639 -0.183398
SG7 6PW 1 1 51.981444 -0.209504
SG7 6PX 14 3 51.989973 -0.188671
SG7 6PY 1 1 51.989725 -0.188914
SG7 6QA 18 3 51.989988 -0.189049
SG7 6QB 15 2 51.990669 -0.188296
SG7 6QE 1 1 51.991054 -0.18819
SG7 6QF 24 2 51.990955 -0.187571
SG7 6QJ 1 1 51.990799 -0.186803