all postcodes in SG7 / BALDOCK

find any address or company within the SG7 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG7 5TA 13 0 51.990566 -0.189215
SG7 5TH 15 0 52.039888 -0.159667
SG7 5TJ 10 0 52.040467 -0.159294
SG7 5TR 15 15 52.014517 -0.202486
SG7 5LF 5 0 52.042252 -0.155135
SG7 5BH 0 51.990528 -0.191986
SG7 5BL 6 0 51.991771 -0.188657
SG7 5QP 1 0 52.03911 -0.152452
SG7 5AN 8 0 51.991331 -0.192753
SG7 5BW 0 51.991525 -0.190735
SG7 5BF 0 52.00829 -0.202779
SG7 5DA 0 51.992628 -0.187093
SG7 5PA 3 0 52.039087 -0.150497
SG7 5DJ 7 0 51.991139 -0.190197
SG7 5DL 20 0 52.042528 -0.143387
SG7 5FA 0 51.991419 -0.193215
SG7 5DP 4 4 52.016531 -0.184249
SG7 5FB 4 0 51.990354 -0.190624
SG7 5FD 6 0 52.037402 -0.128013
SG7 5FE 0 51.991788 -0.186794