all postcodes in SG7 / BALDOCK

find any address or company within the SG7 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG7 5BE 46 0 51.989448 -0.194855
SG7 5BG 48 0 51.98937 -0.196781
SG7 5BJ 41 0 51.990612 -0.194532
SG7 5BN 47 0 51.989124 -0.19717
SG7 5BP 5 0 51.99126 -0.189903
SG7 5BQ 11 0 51.991615 -0.190137
SG7 5BS 4 1 51.991669 -0.186653
SG7 5BU 6 1 51.992439 -0.188166
SG7 5BX 8 0 51.994343 -0.189252
SG7 5BY 26 0 51.994852 -0.188404
SG7 5BZ 30 0 51.994698 -0.186575
SG7 5DB 1 0 51.994486 -0.184456
SG7 5DD 34 0 51.994092 -0.186934
SG7 5DE 42 0 51.992843 -0.185222
SG7 5DF 15 0 51.992765 -0.185997
SG7 5DG 82 0 51.993521 -0.186634
SG7 5DH 7 0 51.992323 -0.18712
SG7 5DN 12 1 51.998419 -0.192339
SG7 5DS 7 0 51.996359 -0.178872
SG7 5DT 23 0 52.002906 -0.165028