all postcodes in SG7 / BALDOCK

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Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG7 6HN 51 0 51.983592 -0.188246
SG7 6HP 14 12 51.982385 -0.188717
SG7 6HR 20 0 51.983967 -0.192178
SG7 6HS 26 0 51.983841 -0.193943
SG7 6HT 25 0 51.982816 -0.194537
SG7 6HU 10 0 51.98196 -0.195579
SG7 6HX 13 0 51.981481 -0.194824
SG7 6HY 14 2 51.981225 -0.193424
SG7 6HZ 18 0 51.981777 -0.192482
SG7 6JA 18 0 51.982264 -0.1937
SG7 6JB 13 0 51.982553 -0.192611
SG7 6JD 10 0 51.982789 -0.193929
SG7 6JE 13 0 51.983175 -0.192732
SG7 6JF 24 1 51.981543 -0.191839
SG7 6JG 47 0 51.978695 -0.189099
SG7 6JJ 23 0 51.977886 -0.187938
SG7 6JL 23 0 51.979236 -0.186847
SG7 6JN 9 0 51.980856 -0.185763
SG7 6JP 24 0 51.980174 -0.187613
SG7 6JR 41 0 51.979485 -0.188412