all postcodes in SK11 / MACCLESFIELD

find any address or company within the SK11 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK11 0BJ 4 2 53.199188 -2.041844
SK11 0BL 2 0 53.204727 -2.039316
SK11 0BQ 8 0 53.206998 -1.995229
SK11 0BU 56 1 53.241365 -2.088768
SK11 0BX 10 0 53.241213 -2.087104
SK11 0BY 17 0 53.240736 -2.088991
SK11 0BZ 15 0 53.241631 -2.093866
SK11 0DE 35 0 53.239262 -2.088572
SK11 0DG 27 4 53.240958 -2.091991
SK11 0DH 10 0 53.240975 -2.092965
SK11 0DJ 5 0 53.241712 -2.093536
SK11 0DL 6 0 53.239796 -2.094593
SK11 0DN 4 0 53.239634 -2.095327
SK11 0DP 11 0 53.238841 -2.09846
SK11 0DQ 26 0 53.242388 -2.09153
SK11 0DR 10 0 53.238854 -2.103569
SK11 0DS 10 1 53.237064 -2.105857
SK11 0DT 10 0 53.236746 -2.109152
SK11 0DU 14 0 53.23768 -2.109841
SK11 0DW 10 0 53.239175 -2.096183