all postcodes in SK11 / MACCLESFIELD

find any address or company within the SK11 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK11 0DX 1 0 53.236602 -2.109242
SK11 0DY 2 0 53.236378 -2.108744
SK11 0DZ 52 1 53.235441 -2.110797
SK11 0EA 22 0 53.234668 -2.11108
SK11 0EB 33 1 53.236149 -2.112819
SK11 0ED 28 0 53.236869 -2.112464
SK11 0EE 17 1 53.236303 -2.111743
SK11 0EF 6 0 53.239037 -2.110204
SK11 0EG 35 0 53.238463 -2.109202
SK11 0EH 7 0 53.237835 -2.107762
SK11 0EJ 35 0 53.239696 -2.107661
SK11 0EL 8 0 53.238608 -2.107389
SK11 0EN 14 0 53.238904 -2.108409
SK11 0EP 8 0 53.23999 -2.110494
SK11 0EQ 20 0 53.238366 -2.107313
SK11 0ER 1 1 53.239449 -2.090954
SK11 0EW 5 0 53.239981 -2.110045
SK11 0FJ 1 0 53.262286 -2.124314
SK11 0HA 8 0 53.244955 -2.115977
SK11 0HD 7 0 53.243348 -2.114216