all postcodes in SK15 / STALYBRIDGE

find any address or company within the SK15 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK15 2HL 19 0 53.478183 -2.05336
SK15 2HN 15 0 53.477859 -2.05226
SK15 2HP 3 0 53.482265 -2.05005
SK15 2HQ 21 0 53.476394 -2.053719
SK15 2HR 42 0 53.480699 -2.054011
SK15 2HU 7 0 53.479744 -2.059329
SK15 2HX 28 0 53.479233 -2.056797
SK15 2JD 3 2 53.482954 -2.057043
SK15 2JE 21 14 53.483338 -2.057736
SK15 2JJ 55 28 53.482125 -2.057161
SK15 2JL 12 7 53.482603 -2.05659
SK15 2JN 21 16 53.481282 -2.056935
SK15 2JP 2 2 53.481344 -2.056317
SK15 2JQ 1 1 53.482846 -2.057043
SK15 2JR 22 5 53.482282 -2.051346
SK15 2JS 1 1 53.482703 -2.055475
SK15 2JU 33 3 53.482372 -2.051828
SK15 2JY 4 4 53.481797 -2.05124
SK15 2LA 6 0 53.482713 -2.051678
SK15 2LD 42 1 53.481959 -2.050381