all postcodes in SK15 / STALYBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK15 2PR 44 0 53.484929 -2.039715
SK15 2PS 30 0 53.48366 -2.046058
SK15 2PT 45 4 53.484945 -2.046286
SK15 2PU 19 0 53.486339 -2.043439
SK15 2PW 1 1 53.483448 -2.056155
SK15 2PX 14 0 53.483991 -2.049042
SK15 2PY 10 0 53.484135 -2.048048
SK15 2PZ 5 0 53.485628 -2.046407
SK15 2QA 21 3 53.483973 -2.050067
SK15 2QD 19 0 53.486719 -2.036989
SK15 2QE 4 2 53.48435 -2.050173
SK15 2QF 22 18 53.485845 -2.042685
SK15 2QG 61 1 53.485837 -2.039324
SK15 2QH 19 0 53.488085 -2.037834
SK15 2QJ 23 0 53.487609 -2.037307
SK15 2QL 21 0 53.486935 -2.036311
SK15 2QN 21 0 53.486162 -2.03512
SK15 2QP 42 8 53.483155 -2.050142
SK15 2QQ 21 0 53.487375 -2.03699
SK15 2QR 1 1 53.483119 -2.050111