all postcodes in SK15 / STALYBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK15 1JW 22 0 53.485432 -2.06113
SK15 1JX 1 0 53.483674 -2.054588
SK15 1JY 2 0 53.484059 -2.054165
SK15 1JZ 7 4 53.484267 -2.055839
SK15 1LA 1 1 53.492922 -2.033498
SK15 1LD 4 1 53.485676 -2.059925
SK15 1LE 16 0 53.486224 -2.060679
SK15 1LG 4 0 53.486251 -2.060227
SK15 1LH 12 3 53.485539 -2.063918
SK15 1LJ 11 1 53.485477 -2.06211
SK15 1LL 46 0 53.486555 -2.062172
SK15 1LN 42 1 53.487535 -2.062098
SK15 1LP 33 0 53.487607 -2.062399
SK15 1LQ 18 5 53.485873 -2.061432
SK15 1LR 50 0 53.486591 -2.062955
SK15 1LS 2 0 53.486005 -2.062697
SK15 1LT 9 0 53.485359 -2.063933
SK15 1LU 38 1 53.485862 -2.064703
SK15 1LW 2 0 53.487938 -2.061645
SK15 1LX 1 1 53.486518 -2.065834