all postcodes in SK15 / STALYBRIDGE

find any address or company within the SK15 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK15 1LY 28 0 53.486509 -2.065035
SK15 1LZ 31 0 53.487489 -2.065006
SK15 1NA 4 0 53.487786 -2.064314
SK15 1NB 16 0 53.487427 -2.06362
SK15 1ND 7 0 53.486941 -2.064041
SK15 1NE 36 0 53.486581 -2.064583
SK15 1NF 49 2 53.486519 -2.063634
SK15 1NG 1 0 53.486717 -2.063604
SK15 1NH 38 0 53.488675 -2.064782
SK15 1NJ 24 0 53.488206 -2.067449
SK15 1NL 20 0 53.488144 -2.066062
SK15 1NN 19 0 53.488046 -2.06558
SK15 1NQ 18 2 53.487643 -2.062867
SK15 1NX 4 2 53.483095 -2.058278
SK15 1PD 6 4 53.481522 -2.062074
SK15 1PF 4 4 53.480242 -2.066351
SK15 1PH 3 3 53.481088 -2.064423
SK15 1PT 3 2 53.479792 -2.06745
SK15 1PU 7 4 53.481169 -2.066262
SK15 1PY 1 1 53.4831 -2.069777