all postcodes in SK1 / STOCKPORT

find any address or company within the SK1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK1 2ND 2 2 53.411374 -2.152609
SK1 2NE 1 0 53.410885 -2.149569
SK1 2NF 15 1 53.411525 -2.147827
SK1 2NG 25 0 53.411461 -2.14888
SK1 2NJ 32 0 53.412046 -2.148114
SK1 2NL 31 0 53.411768 -2.147286
SK1 2NP 1 1 53.412976 -2.144567
SK1 2NQ 3 1 53.41173 -2.149422
SK1 2NR 1 1 53.413245 -2.145095
SK1 2NS 1 1 53.412274 -2.145317
SK1 2NT 5 0 53.411883 -2.148715
SK1 2NX 3 3 53.412487 -2.147529
SK1 2NY 1 1 53.413507 -2.143772
SK1 2NZ 1 1 53.412257 -2.144429
SK1 2PB 8 1 53.413713 -2.143214
SK1 2PD 9 0 53.413833 -2.142343
SK1 2PE 41 0 53.413068 -2.142777
SK1 2PG 9 1 53.414896 -2.140015
SK1 2PX 20 0 53.413858 -2.143547
SK1 2QE 22 2 53.415534 -2.140679