all postcodes in SK1 / STOCKPORT

find any address or company within the SK1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK1 2GT 1 1 53.416373 -2.137928
SK1 2HA 37 0 53.418626 -2.140674
SK1 2HB 22 0 53.417381 -2.144477
SK1 2HD 1 1 53.414733 -2.148199
SK1 2HH 12 9 53.413705 -2.151069
SK1 2HU 2 2 53.41413 -2.147774
SK1 2HX 54 31 53.414386 -2.145685
SK1 2JD 6 6 53.415267 -2.145402
SK1 2JN 1 1 53.414709 -2.146408
SK1 2JT 18 6 53.415702 -2.142726
SK1 2JX 27 1 53.41617 -2.142457
SK1 2LB 3 3 53.415762 -2.143552
SK1 2LE 13 0 53.416581 -2.144278
SK1 2LF 43 0 53.417031 -2.143573
SK1 2LG 44 0 53.417716 -2.142447
SK1 2LH 23 0 53.417796 -2.142643
SK1 2LJ 28 0 53.417175 -2.143709
SK1 2LQ 41 0 53.418166 -2.141425
SK1 2LX 15 2 53.411586 -2.155513
SK1 2NA 5 5 53.411369 -2.150384