all postcodes in SK22 / HIGH PEAK

find any address or company within the SK22 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK22 4GB 9 0 53.368067 -1.988915
SK22 4GD 3 0 53.368157 -1.988299
SK22 4GE 2 0 53.367786 -1.988869
SK22 4GF 4 0 53.367878 -1.989245
SK22 4HD 18 0 53.374565 -1.986478
SK22 4HE 1 1 53.329381 -1.908009
SK22 4HG 25 1 53.370743 -1.988763
SK22 4HH 10 0 53.372094 -1.990823
SK22 4HJ 22 4 53.374026 -1.990717
SK22 4HL 20 0 53.374871 -1.987816
SK22 4HN 43 0 53.374682 -1.989379
SK22 4HP 27 0 53.374188 -1.987831
SK22 4HQ 40 0 53.37257 -1.989425
SK22 4HR 52 0 53.372705 -1.987982
SK22 4HS 6 0 53.373253 -1.98726
SK22 4HT 12 0 53.3739 -1.988613
SK22 4HU 55 0 53.373343 -1.986809
SK22 4HW 10 0 53.374943 -1.988252
SK22 4HX 2 0 53.372694 -1.986342
SK22 4HY 18 0 53.373064 -1.9849