all postcodes in SK22 / HIGH PEAK

find any address or company within the SK22 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK22 4PQ 2 0 53.365746 -1.990372
SK22 4PR 3 0 53.356489 -1.989353
SK22 4PS 2 0 53.358708 -1.996489
SK22 4PW 2 0 53.359103 -1.988165
SK22 4PX 23 0 53.359816 -1.993635
SK22 4QA 1 0 53.370395 -2.008152
SK22 4QB 1 0 53.370772 -2.010045
SK22 4QD 8 0 53.37151 -2.008678
SK22 4QE 2 2 53.452896 -1.971438
SK22 4QF 6 0 53.381154 -2.008921
SK22 4QG 6 0 53.381784 -1.998984
SK22 4QH 1 0 53.375203 -1.982916
SK22 4QJ 11 1 53.372451 -1.976439
SK22 4QL 4 0 53.365663 -1.968538
SK22 4QN 7 0 53.361953 -1.977797
SK22 4QQ 4 1 53.378674 -1.997826
SK22 4QR 3 0 53.393206 -2.002636
SK22 4QW 2 0 53.367039 -1.983203
SK22 4DE 0 53.367589 -2.001357
SK22 4FE 3 0 53.369694 -1.999314