all postcodes in SK22 / HIGH PEAK

find any address or company within the SK22 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK22 2PD 4 0 53.379957 -1.948173
SK22 2PE 4 0 53.379742 -1.948955
SK22 2PG 8 0 53.380326 -1.949255
SK22 2PH 14 0 53.380587 -1.950082
SK22 2PJ 13 0 53.379859 -1.9513
SK22 2PL 3 0 53.379535 -1.949872
SK22 2HH 26 0 53.383816 -1.955084
SK22 2AT 4 0 53.387364 -1.948961
SK22 2WQ 1 1 53.329381 -1.908009
SK22 2AB 21 0 53.381433 -1.952215
SK22 3AH 3 1 53.373823 -2.036049
SK22 3AL 6 0 53.37626 -2.033947
SK22 3AP 39 1 53.367875 -2.027147
SK22 3AR 21 0 53.368541 -2.023571
SK22 3AS 7 0 53.368209 -2.022443
SK22 3AT 39 2 53.368162 -2.019993
SK22 3AU 5 0 53.368649 -2.022594
SK22 3AX 5 0 53.370564 -2.020521
SK22 3AY 13 1 53.374717 -2.022838
SK22 3AZ 8 0 53.377619 -2.028221