all postcodes in SK22 / HIGH PEAK

find any address or company within the SK22 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK22 2LP 12 0 53.376562 -1.938946
SK22 2LQ 5 0 53.380214 -1.924271
SK22 2LR 4 0 53.376797 -1.938647
SK22 2LS 7 0 53.376888 -1.939459
SK22 2LT 13 0 53.377419 -1.941983
SK22 2ND 1 0 53.38108 -1.946458
SK22 2NE 21 0 53.381538 -1.946097
SK22 2NF 27 0 53.382096 -1.947735
SK22 2NG 46 2 53.38873 -1.948899
SK22 2NH 9 0 53.389658 -1.955138
SK22 2NJ 26 0 53.390629 -1.953318
SK22 2NL 20 1 53.390654 -1.950792
SK22 2NN 6 0 53.390949 -1.946476
SK22 2NP 4 0 53.391865 -1.944234
SK22 2NQ 8 0 53.389701 -1.950056
SK22 2NR 11 0 53.401494 -1.950072
SK22 2NS 12 0 53.400617 -1.95833
SK22 2NW 4 0 53.3896 -1.944418
SK22 2PA 17 0 53.37976 -1.949526
SK22 2PB 3 0 53.379822 -1.947737