all postcodes in SK23 / HIGH PEAK

find any address or company within the SK23 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK23 7QP 0 53.347132 -1.990347
SK23 7QQ 0 53.345558 -1.981575
SK23 7QR 0 53.350062 -1.987642
SK23 7QS 1 53.348822 -1.989475
SK23 7QT 1 53.329381 -1.908009
SK23 7QU 3 53.31433 -2.018962
SK23 7QW 0 53.346647 -1.988665
SK23 7QX 0 53.314276 -2.019367
SK23 7QZ 0 53.314979 -2.015646
SK23 7RA 0 53.321119 -2.014072
SK23 7RB 0 53.319177 -2.016653
SK23 7RD 1 53.31559 -2.021065
SK23 7RE 0 53.311157 -2.028342
SK23 7RF 1 53.299654 -2.01537
SK23 7RG 0 53.307031 -2.02193
SK23 7RN 0 53.315077 -2.020119
SK23 7RR 0 53.33462 -1.99053
SK23 7RS 0 53.332921 -1.991011
SK23 7RT 0 53.334503 -1.989464
SK23 7RU 0 53.33276 -1.992227