all postcodes in SK23 / HIGH PEAK

find any address or company within the SK23 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK23 7GE 0 53.322269 -1.985849
SK23 7GY 0 53.319473 -1.981031
SK23 7GZ 0 53.31941 -1.980536
SK23 7HA 0 53.314682 -1.978436
SK23 7HB 1 53.302859 -1.97517
SK23 7HD 2 53.308846 -1.976773
SK23 7HE 0 53.332031 -1.98502
SK23 7HF 0 53.314691 -1.982039
SK23 7HN 1 53.328957 -1.983249
SK23 7HP 3 53.328651 -1.982814
SK23 7HR 4 53.328201 -1.982754
SK23 7ND 0 53.331014 -1.978699
SK23 7HS 1 53.326682 -1.98295
SK23 7HT 6 53.328181 -1.983699
SK23 7HU 4 53.326889 -1.983941
SK23 7HW 0 53.327186 -1.982469
SK23 7HX 9 53.324732 -1.985398
SK23 7HY 4 53.327366 -1.985262
SK23 7HZ 0 53.327159 -1.98346
SK23 7JA 0 53.325631 -1.985728