all postcodes in SK9 / ALDERLEY EDGE

find any address or company within the SK9 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK9 1BW 1 1 53.328808 -2.228829
SK9 1BY 38 0 53.324304 -2.225203
SK9 1BZ 10 3 53.325889 -2.223138
SK9 1DA 35 0 53.324243 -2.22361
SK9 1DD 20 0 53.324272 -2.222619
SK9 1DE 21 0 53.322475 -2.221814
SK9 1DF 13 0 53.321597 -2.220638
SK9 1DG 11 0 53.321423 -2.222815
SK9 1DL 2 2 53.329065 -2.226143
SK9 1DP 4 4 53.329423 -2.226895
SK9 1DQ 19 0 53.322671 -2.222746
SK9 1DR 11 9 53.327205 -2.231254
SK9 1DS 16 15 53.326402 -2.232555
SK9 1DT 8 8 53.326242 -2.231909
SK9 1DU 17 16 53.326961 -2.230921
SK9 1DY 1 1 53.327088 -2.231343
SK9 1EB 1 1 53.327277 -2.231434
SK9 1EH 43 0 53.322875 -2.22509
SK9 1EJ 1 1 53.327466 -2.23094
SK9 1EL 29 0 53.321328 -2.225502