all postcodes in SK9 / ALDERLEY EDGE

find any address or company within the SK9 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK9 1EP 9 0 53.322092 -2.225776
SK9 1ER 1 1 53.326035 -2.232253
SK9 1ES 7 0 53.322284 -2.224246
SK9 1EW 12 0 53.32143 -2.224197
SK9 1HB 9 6 53.326413 -2.231655
SK9 1HE 1 1 53.327378 -2.229407
SK9 1HF 2 2 53.327773 -2.229694
SK9 1HG 8 7 53.326514 -2.229867
SK9 1HT 8 7 53.326135 -2.230511
SK9 1HY 16 12 53.325737 -2.231965
SK9 1JX 15 13 53.325466 -2.233631
SK9 1LD 12 4 53.326361 -2.230889
SK9 1LN 1 1 53.322453 -2.229922
SK9 1LP 28 0 53.324804 -2.231661
SK9 1LR 8 0 53.320384 -2.234248
SK9 1LS 29 0 53.323861 -2.231416
SK9 1LU 14 0 53.322679 -2.233826
SK9 1LX 20 0 53.322441 -2.234995
SK9 1LY 10 0 53.321457 -2.232392
SK9 1LZ 1 1 53.322129 -2.22998