all postcodes in SL3 / SLOUGH

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Postcode Area

SL / Slough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SL3 6AX 8 1 51.521339 -0.563385
SL3 6AY 6 0 51.521335 -0.562891
SL3 6QJ 30 0 51.511975 -0.552122
SL3 6BB 5 0 51.520681 -0.561763
SL3 6BD 5 0 51.521677 -0.560146
SL3 6BE 9 0 51.520611 -0.557542
SL3 6BG 4 0 51.520107 -0.5575
SL3 6BH 57 0 51.518763 -0.557139
SL3 6BJ 3 1 51.520058 -0.556493
SL3 6BL 2 0 51.520306 -0.553785
SL3 6BN 15 0 51.52113 -0.558088
SL3 6BP 1 0 51.520293 -0.554367
SL3 6BQ 8 0 51.520193 -0.557901
SL3 6BS 11 1 51.514639 -0.557428
SL3 6BU 4 0 51.513193 -0.55891
SL3 6BY 2 0 51.511767 -0.56802
SL3 6BZ 3 1 51.5106 -0.558752
SL3 6DA 5 3 51.509421 -0.554923
SL3 6DB 2 2 51.508483 -0.54033
SL3 6DD 3 3 51.510534 -0.540323