all postcodes in SL3 / SLOUGH

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Postcode Area

SL / Slough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SL3 6JN 10 1 51.55492 -0.560063
SL3 6JQ 3 0 51.551435 -0.548706
SL3 6JT 1 1 51.508271 -0.584618
SL3 6JW 3 0 51.556274 -0.55979
SL3 6LA 2 0 51.530361 -0.57822
SL3 6LB 7 0 51.529843 -0.576453
SL3 6LE 10 0 51.528407 -0.57298
SL3 6LF 15 0 51.528504 -0.570627
SL3 6LG 3 0 51.527717 -0.571704
SL3 6LH 9 1 51.525157 -0.571165
SL3 6LJ 1 0 51.527125 -0.572588
SL3 6LN 18 0 51.523039 -0.565638
SL3 6LL 1 0 51.521603 -0.56662
SL3 6LP 38 0 51.526915 -0.569322
SL3 6LQ 14 0 51.527004 -0.570718
SL3 6LS 8 0 51.537335 -0.574345
SL3 6LT 1 1 51.530114 -0.572884
SL3 6LU 2 1 51.527127 -0.572569
SL3 6LX 25 1 51.529507 -0.570971
SL3 6LY 4 0 51.5295 -0.568967