all postcodes in SN10 / DEVIZES

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN10 1AD 1 51.351641 -1.991924
SN10 1AE 1 51.351578 -1.99201
SN10 1AG 6 51.35218 -1.992843
SN10 1AH 13 51.352198 -1.992383
SN10 1AJ 27 51.352195 -1.99364
SN10 1AP 4 51.351898 -1.994789
SN10 1AQ 0 51.353187 -1.998601
SN10 1AR 10 51.35218 -1.994709
SN10 1AT 20 51.351668 -1.994279
SN10 1AX 0 51.351254 -1.992513
SN10 1AY 1 51.351164 -1.993805
SN10 1BA 1 51.353052 -1.997093
SN10 1BB 1 51.351434 -1.994451
SN10 1BD 6 51.351542 -1.99481
SN10 1BE 0 51.351524 -1.995399
SN10 1BG 0 51.351749 -1.994925
SN10 1BH 0 51.353214 -1.992268
SN10 1BJ 1 51.350292 -1.993518
SN10 1BL 6 51.351857 -1.99547
SN10 1BN 7 51.351083 -1.994982