all postcodes in SN10 / DEVIZES

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN10 5BB 6 0 51.343844 -1.984402
SN10 5BD 11 0 51.342873 -1.987848
SN10 5BE 27 0 51.343521 -1.986512
SN10 5BG 13 0 51.344527 -1.984818
SN10 5BH 10 0 51.344312 -1.986168
SN10 5BJ 38 0 51.345355 -1.990546
SN10 5BL 34 0 51.342249 -1.985759
SN10 5BN 18 0 51.349716 -1.990187
SN10 5BP 40 0 51.342783 -1.985407
SN10 5BQ 20 0 51.344842 -1.986727
SN10 5BS 3 0 51.342432 -1.983283
SN10 5BT 11 0 51.341947 -1.983125
SN10 5BU 20 0 51.344051 -1.989829
SN10 5BW 4 0 51.349411 -1.991048
SN10 5BY 11 1 51.347783 -1.992355
SN10 5BZ 4 0 51.348026 -1.992542
SN10 5DA 6 0 51.346812 -1.992642
SN10 5DB 6 0 51.345185 -1.99326
SN10 5DD 12 0 51.345616 -1.994165
SN10 5DE 6 0 51.343737 -1.99405