all postcodes in SN11 / CALNE

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN11 0FE 0 51.433123 -2.003792
SN11 0FF 29 0 51.438706 -2.015144
SN11 0HD 30 0 51.43502 -2.009302
SN11 0FG 35 0 51.425074 -1.99911
SN11 0FH 34 0 51.424291 -2.000907
SN11 0FJ 11 0 51.425298 -2.001569
SN11 0FL 10 0 51.425514 -2.000749
SN11 0FN 14 0 51.425667 -1.999699
SN11 0FT 0 51.424228 -1.99806
SN11 7AA 1 1 51.439363 -2.005951
SN11 7AG 1 1 51.439363 -2.005951
SN11 7AH 1 1 51.439363 -2.005951
SN11 7AT 1 1 51.439363 -2.005951
SN11 8AA 6 5 51.440541 -2.004498
SN11 8AB 1 1 51.44019 -2.004382
SN11 8AD 11 1 51.440784 -2.003303
SN11 8AE 8 2 51.44053 -2.003397
SN11 8AF 11 0 51.440883 -2.002598
SN11 8AG 9 0 51.440676 -2.002512
SN11 8AH 41 2 51.442663 -1.998484