all postcodes in SN11 / CALNE

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN11 0SL 12 0 51.399305 -2.008303
SN11 0SP 1 1 51.429589 -2.000584
SN11 0SQ 15 0 51.437394 -2.00467
SN11 0SR 1 1 51.439363 -2.005951
SN11 0SS 6 0 51.429346 -1.995823
SN11 0ST 4 0 51.424671 -1.994644
SN11 0SW 1 1 51.439363 -2.005951
SN11 0UA 41 0 51.432871 -2.006899
SN11 0UB 40 0 51.432898 -2.005317
SN11 0UD 1 0 51.432008 -2.005015
SN11 0UE 1 0 51.433914 -2.004828
SN11 0UF 48 0 51.442004 -2.013296
SN11 0UG 38 0 51.442213 -2.013174
SN11 0UH 33 0 51.441142 -2.016252
SN11 0UL 18 0 51.442868 -2.017706
SN11 0UQ 39 0 51.442831 -2.012908
SN11 0RB 1 1 51.438374 -2.005073
SN11 0FD 5 0 51.430722 -1.99939
SN11 0WR 1 1 51.439363 -2.005951
SN11 0FB 0 51.429059 -1.998455