all postcodes in SN11 / CALNE

find any address or company within the SN11 postcode district

Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN11 0JZ 73 0 51.434229 -2.006525
SN11 0LA 18 0 51.425165 -1.995176
SN11 0LB 10 0 51.424086 -1.996341
SN11 0LD 35 0 51.425309 -1.995766
SN11 0LE 34 0 51.42521 -1.997635
SN11 0LF 10 0 51.426964 -1.993033
SN11 0LG 28 0 51.426451 -1.997578
SN11 0LH 1 0 51.424545 -2.002828
SN11 0LJ 3 0 51.423808 -1.995924
SN11 0LL 12 0 51.425858 -1.996816
SN11 0LN 7 0 51.427009 -1.996787
SN11 0LP 5 0 51.440449 -2.01959
SN11 0LQ 19 0 51.42646 -1.995449
SN11 0LR 5 0 51.439235 -2.020525
SN11 0LS 3 0 51.439226 -2.022237
SN11 0LT 3 1 51.442659 -2.029015
SN11 0LU 2 0 51.435465 -2.026846
SN11 0LX 4 0 51.436974 -2.032098
SN11 0LY 6 0 51.425719 -2.029954
SN11 0LZ 14 2 51.428962 -2.039204