all postcodes in SN11 / CALNE

find any address or company within the SN11 postcode district

Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN11 0NA 1 0 51.427134 -2.009588
SN11 0NB 3 0 51.430147 -2.007215
SN11 0ND 2 0 51.431358 -2.01476
SN11 0NE 12 0 51.422018 -2.011011
SN11 0NF 3 0 51.42423 -1.994788
SN11 0NG 1 0 51.422844 -1.996291
SN11 0NH 6 0 51.416551 -1.995623
SN11 0NJ 2 0 51.415848 -1.995529
SN11 0NL 10 0 51.408666 -1.998599
SN11 0NN 2 0 51.406613 -1.993647
SN11 0NP 4 0 51.406112 -1.997421
SN11 0NQ 3 1 51.419635 -1.994084
SN11 0NR 6 0 51.405932 -1.997349
SN11 0NS 4 2 51.406883 -2.000634
SN11 0NT 21 7 51.408043 -2.009073
SN11 0NU 1 0 51.406425 -2.019604
SN11 0NW 6 0 51.405411 -1.997234
SN11 0NX 4 0 51.405543 -2.023298
SN11 0NY 3 0 51.397531 -2.025148
SN11 0NZ 15 0 51.400361 -2.024669