all postcodes in SN12 / MELKSHAM

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN12 6HB 5 51.370747 -2.138162
SN12 6HD 5 51.370819 -2.138492
SN12 6HE 1 51.369857 -2.138274
SN12 6HF 0 51.369821 -2.138662
SN12 6HG 0 51.369164 -2.138933
SN12 6HH 0 51.369837 -2.14017
SN12 6HJ 0 51.369085 -2.137367
SN12 6HL 3 51.369948 -2.137226
SN12 6HN 1 51.367768 -2.140652
SN12 6HP 0 51.366967 -2.141325
SN12 6HQ 0 51.369111 -2.138401
SN12 6HR 0 51.367325 -2.142518
SN12 6HS 0 51.366418 -2.14207
SN12 6HT 0 51.36701 -2.14302
SN12 6HU 0 51.366056 -2.143965
SN12 6HW 0 51.36865 -2.139764
SN12 6HX 0 51.366675 -2.144843
SN12 6HY 0 51.36743 -2.145004
SN12 6HZ 0 51.365778 -2.143117
SN12 6JA 0 51.365429 -2.141938